"I have always had big dreams, until the age of 19, I was a competitive alpine ski racer with the goal of being an Olympian. I trained for 12 years at the ultra-competitive level, and I even attended a ski academy in Vermont for my last three years of high school. Unfortunately, my Olympic dreams came crashing down around me when I had to stop racing due to an unsuccessful knee surgery. This was devastating for me and left me feeling like my life was at a standstill, but I knew I could never leave the race behind. So, I turned to something that felt, to me, as familiar as going 100 kilometers per hour down a ski hill: fashion. I tapped into the artistic blood running through my veins. I come from a family of fashion entrepreneurs. My mother is a fashion designer, and my father is on the business side. I grew up with fashion around me and have always been exposed to it and this helped build my passion for fashion design. After ski racing, I enrolled in a Womenswear Fashion Design program in 2017. During that time, I began conceptualizing BRIELLE before officially launching the label in 2021 and started selling online."

"I had always admired how my teammates and I looked in our downhill skinsuits. When I put it on, I always felt confident that I could win the race. I thought of creating a line of clothing that would empower women and give them the same confidence that I had felt. While skiing seems vastly different from fashion, there are many similarities in the elegance and ergonomics of clothing. Furthermore, the attributes skiing gave me – confidence, strength, determination, and competitiveness – are all things I use every day in my business. BRIELLE was the natural conclusion from the juxtaposition of fashion and ski racing."  -Gabrielle Szynkarsky  CEO / FOUNDER / FASHION DESIGNER OF BRIELLE